Medinova Co. Ltd. is always committed to bringing readers reputable and quality information along with a team of consulting experts with good expertise and a high sense of responsibility. Next, Medinova would like to guide you on how to use the germacare.vn website in the most optimal way, and at the same time, guide readers on how to buy online and offline products with 100% quality assurance.
Germacare.vn is an information channel about baby skin care and related products, which shares with readers the latest news about skin related topics and useful information on how to apply the right products. The articles on germacare.vn are compiled from official medical information sources at home and abroad such as: treatment guidelines of the Ministry of Health, Dermatest, experts in developing formulations, scientific databases,…
How to search and access our articles fully, quickly and easily:
First, you search with the website address germacare.vn, and the homepage interface will appear as follows:
The germacare.vn homepage interface
The homepage interface of germacare.vn includes the following sections:
You can search and access information about products and ingredients in two ways:
Method 1: Use the search bar
You can directly type keywords such as product name, ingredient name, … that you want to learn by clicking on the search icon at the upper left corner of the home page, then click on the magnifying glass image at the end of the bar (or use enter on the keyboard). After a few seconds, the information you need to learn will appear.
Method 2: Use the Menu bar
If you don’t already have the keywords you need to search for, or you simply want to update more information about baby care tips, you can choose to search in the ‘Childcare’ section. Our articles are being updated by a team of professional pharmacists, divided scientifically into topics to help readers easily find and grasp information quickly.
You can directly buy our products at pharmacies and modern trade stores distributing GermaCare products from Medinova Co. Ltd.
Medinova Co. Ltd. is always committed to bringing customers the most reputable and quality products. Readers can find locations selling our products by following these steps:
Step 1: Visit the germacare.vn site, after the homepage interface appears, select ‘Partners’ on the Menu bar and select ‘POS’ in the sub menu.
Step 2: It will show you all stores selling our products in the area near to you OR you select the area where you live and the results will return the location near to that given location.
Here, you will receive enthusiastic, dedicated advice from the stores’ professionals and help you choose the most suitable products for you and your loved ones.
Above are instructions on how to use the germacare.vn website as well as how to buy products at the authorized stores selling our products. Hopefully this article has brought readers useful information to take care of themselves and their family members.